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The Lake Highlands community is rallying around the family of a Forest Meadow Junior High student who was killed last week.

The student, 13-year-old Deaudray Edwards, was murdered around 2:30 a.m. Nov. 13 while walking from a motel in Oak Cliff to a convenience store, according to reports. Edwards, whose family had relocated from Oak Cliff, was visiting his former community after the Forest Meadow Chargers, his football team, wrapped up its season.

Now, with Deaudray's wake happening on Wednesday and funeral scheduled for Friday, the Lake Highlands community is doing what it can to help the Edwards family, including Deaudray's mother, who has been unable to work her two jobs since the loss of her son.

A local family outreach center called Arms of Hope contacted the family and discovered that Deaudray's mother, her 18-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter are in need of gift cards and money to purchase clothes for the funeral.

Since Deaudray's mother has been unable to work, she also needs household items and groceries, such as soap, break, milk and other food.

In addition, on the day that Deaudray died, a new baby was born into the Edwards family, who needs food, clothes and diapers.

Arms of Hope is collecting donations for the family from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday and from 8 a.m. to noon on Wednesday at its location, which is on the third floor of Highland Oaks Church of Christ, 10805 Walnut Hill Ln.

A donation box is also currently set up at Forest Meadow Junior High, and it will be picked up at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday.