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Dallas Academy is a widely-recognized leader in private school education for bright students with a range of learning differences.  As such, we always strive to grow and innovate in order to meet the diverse needs of our student population.  When COVID-19 disrupted learning as we knew it, we quickly realized that a more advanced e-learning program would be a necessary component to instruction for the fall 2020 school year; and that Dallas Academy was in need of a way to bring that technology to our students.  As a result, this year, to provide instruction, our teachers had to unexpectedly pivot to technology-based learning, and students had to quickly adapt to this new learning environment critical to their success.

This year we are especially grateful to our donors who support Dallas Academy’s needs during this changing learning environment.  Special thanks to an anonymous donor of the Dallas Foundation who has provided $40,000 in unrestricted support allowing students the opportunity to attend a school specialized for their needs. 

We also thank the Hoblitzelle Foundation for their support of Dallas Academy’s media center infrastructure project.  Still beautiful and inviting, the library’s learning infrastructure is outdated.   In the last decade, learning technology has changed the way libraries are equipped.  Enhancing how our library operates will give our students access to advanced learning tools for children with learning differences.  Our goal is to make students comfortable and inspire creativity so they can dive into reading and learning.  It is through these donations and continued philanthropic support that we can bring new technology and the media center infrastructure so that we are positioned for a  bright future.

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