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Dallas, TX - Dallas Academy is thrilled to announce it has received a $20,000 grant from the Wingstop Charities to fund 30 Class Virtual Reality Headsets and curriculum with everything needed for teachers to introduce virtual reality into the classrooms.  Dallas Academy appreciates the commitment from Wingstop Charities to provide specialized education to all of our students.  Using virtual reality in the classroom provides truly immersive lessons for our students allowing them to visualize and understand even the most complex of educational subjects. All grades at Dallas Academy will have access to this new immersive experience. 

Dallas Academy offers a structured, multisensory program for students with diagnosed learning differences which may include impairments in reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), and math (dyscalculia), ADD/ADHD, and memory and processing disorders.  Our school meets students' individualized needs through a skilled faculty, a specialized academic program, small classes, and a wide range of creative, athletic, and social activities that draw our students in, keep them engaged, and enhance their learning.

The need for cultivating a growth mindset and love for lifelong learning is even more accelerated now. We need teaching and learning that engages all students and ensures equitable learning outcomes for students of all social identities and backgrounds. Incorporating Class VR will provide learning opportunities for students through visual and engaged learning. “There is no better way for students to learn than to experience things with their own eyes, ears, and hands. Having this virtual reality technology in the hands of Dallas Academy's students is providing them with experiences that most wouldn't get to experience without it. They can dissect a human heart with their own hands, visit the Coliseum, or practice social skills with age-appropriate avatars,” said Dr. Mandi Skerbetz, principal of Dallas Academy. 

ClassVR is an open platform, supporting virtual and augmented curriculum content, as well as allowing students and teachers to create, upload and share their own content, creating a collaborative community of global educational resources. Teachers can add value to every lesson with a wide array of subject specific resources.  They can even create, upload and share their own content and contribute to creating a community of global educational resources with other ClassVR users.

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