




Dallas Lutheran School is the proud beneficiary of Jonathon G.’s culminating Boy Scout project. When asked about the project, the school's faculty and staff were deeply humbled by his response:


“I chose DL for my Eagle Scout Project because I felt like I needed to give back to my school as a thank you for all they’ve done for me. DL has had such a great impact on my life that’s why I’ve chosen to go to this school since 7th grade. From the teachers that believe in me to the great friends I’ve made here. This school has been a second home for me and I wanted to show my gratitude. 

The project itself: I had some ideas at first like paint the concession stand outside or make a walkway to the field, but I saw the old benches outside and said I think some new benches would look really nice. I asked Mr. Bangert for permission and then got started. The benches were going to look like the ones in the entrance, it took us about a month to get it finished. I had a bunch of my friends and people from my Boy Scout troop help me with it. It was a long process, but I think they turned out great.”

 We think so too, Jonathan! Thank you!

Do you want your child to have the same passion for their school?  Contact Dallas Lutheran School today to find out how to join our school family!  

 About Dallas Lutheran School


Dallas Lutheran School is a place where your child is an individual.  They are surrounded by a diverse group of peers in grades 7-12 and taught by an equally diverse group of teachers whose mission is to share the love of Christ with each child. For over 40 years that shared faith has been the foundation for offering excellence in education to provide students the opportunity to grow spiritually, academically, physically and socially.  For more information, please visit or @DallasLutheranSchool.



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