Lake Highlands Features
Over 25 Million Monthly Unique Users Rated Top-Rated Home Building, Remodeling and Design Professionals in the United States and Around the World CB...
We frequently get calls from homebuyers asking us to provide remodeling proposals on homes before they buy. While we always appreciate the interest, we tell...
Texas has become one of the hottest places to move to for both personal and business reasons over the past 5 years. In fact, over the past 5 years, more...
When embarking on a home renovation, most homeowners have their sights set on the outcome they’ve long dreamed about, as they should. A word to the wise — don’t...
We’ve all heard the horror stories of home design and renovation projects gone wrong: workers not showing up, additional fees, extra time, subpar results. If...
Baby Boomers are once again challenging the status quo and are doing things their own way. Unlike previous generations, Boomers are refusing to retire and...
Living in Texas, we see our fair share of inclement weather throughout the seasons. Hailstorms are all too common and can unfortunately leave behind a heavy...
As the housing market continues its steady recovery, home mortgage lenders are seeing the emergence of a new group of homebuyers—the shadow buyer. This new...
According to an April 2014 report from the National Association of Realtors, annual sales of vacation homes jumped nearly 30 percent to a little more than...
Following a move from New York, Katey and Chris began their search for a new home in Dallas. They purchased a home in University Park, but knew it needed more...