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The ingaugural North Texas Fibromyalgia Conference, focusing on alternative ideas for dealing with fibromyalgia, will be held Saturday, June 7 in Richardson. Speakers include Dr. Wm. Marcus Spurlock of Dallas and Dr. Jerry Tennant of Irving, both of whom have experience treating fibro patients and their myriad symptoms.

Very few events address the illnes and none have beenheld in the Dallas-Fort Worth area specifically for those with fibromyalgia. The event website and the event Facebook page is have more information about registering for the event.

"Even though fibro is a prevalent condition -- most experts believe about 5 million people in the U.S. suffer with the disease -- there are few, if any, treatmens that always work for all patients," says Tammy Lahutsky, a vice president at Avazzia, which organized the conference. "The result is patients spend incredible amounts of time and money seeking ideas of what may offer relief from their symptoms. They go from one doctor to another, one practitioner to another.

"And as many as 60 different symptoms, ranging from pain to irritable bowel syndrome to fibro fog, are connected to the illness," she says.

Other speakers at the one-day event includ Darcy Brunk, a chiropractor; Bob Scarbrough and Lark Scarbrough, both registered pharmacists with Abrams Royal Compounding Pharmacy in Dallas and Plano; Laurie Taylor, a grief therapist; Julie Euseppi, LCSW and yoga instructor; Thomas Woods, LMT/Dipl.Ac.; and Amie Rogers, a wellness coach.

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