
Following one of the worst droughts in recent Texas history, the Dallas City Council has approved an ordinance that will allow residents to water their lawns twice a week instead of just once a week. The new ordinance will go into effect beginning Monday, April 23.

This ordinance applies only to the use of automatic irrigation systems and hose-end sprinklers. Residents want to do a little more can use hand watering, soaker hoses and drip irrigation systems more often than just twice a week. However, as in years past, residents are not allowed to use hose-end sprinklers and/or automatic irrigation systems between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from April 1 to October 31.

The best way to have a healthy landscape is to have control. Many landscaping experts say the average lawn in North Texas needs only an inch of water per week, even during the scorching summer. Experts say that watering deeply and infrequently is the best for a landscape to flourish.

For more information on water conservation efforts in Dallas, visit the Save Dallas Water website.