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The Lake Highlands Highlandettes have been a staple of the community for half a century and this weekend, they are inviting the community to come out and celebrate their 50th anniversary with the Highlandette Spring Revue. The revue will be on Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21.

The Highlandette Spring Revue - 50 Magical Years will be held in the school auditorium at 7:30 p.m. on both nights. In addition to the award-winning Highlandettes, attendees will also be treated to musical acts and performances from the varsity cheerleaders and the Wildcat Wranglers.

In addition, a special reception celebrating the Highlandette's 50th anniversary will be held in the rotunda before and after the performance on Saturday night.

Tickets for the Spring Revue can be purchased at the door for $8. The Highlandettes have always been a big part of Lake Highlands. Now it's time for the community to show how much the Highlandettes mean to them.

Photo from the Lake Highlands' Highlandettes

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