
The swimming pool is definitely one of the top options for staying cool during the summer heat. But, some level of precaution must still be taken. Drowning is the seventh-leading cause of injury death for all ages and the second-leading cause of death in children aged 1-14.

The first and most obvious thing to do is for parents to teach their kids how to swim. Even then, keep a close eye on the kids. Even strong swimmers can overreach their limits and a child can drown in the time it takes to walk inside and answer a phone call. Teach the kids not to stick their fingers or toes into pool drains, grates and filters.

Older children and teenagers should remember not to dive into a pool unless they're certain of its depths. Heed the warnings and instructions of lifeguards and do not run near the pool edge. Apply sunscreen regularly, even if the sunscreen is waterproof. Also, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Adults should keep in mind that swimming and alcohol don't mix well. If there is even a slight chance of severe weather or thunderstorms, don't let the family into the pool. Always keep rescue equipment by the pool and learn basic lifesaving techniques, such as CPR and first aid.

Keep safety in mind at the pool and it will be a fun day of water, laughing and relaxation.