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Sometime in the near future, the Katy Trail will eventually wind its way across North Central Expressway and connect with White Rock Lake, forming an extensive trail that one can follow from Lake Highlands to the American Airline Center in downtown. However, confusion arose about the Katy Trail extending east of Central Expressway, so officials decided a name change was in order.

Members of the Merriman Park/University Manor Neighborhood Association's Board sat down with the Dallas Parks Department to discuss what the new name should be. Members of the neighborhood association wanted a name tightly associated with White Rock Lake but without the actual words, "White Rock" in the title, since there are already two trails bearing that name.

The name that was eventually agreed upon was Flag Pole Hill Trail, as Flag Pole Hill is one of the most distinguishable locations tied to White Rock Lake. The portion of the hike/bike trail that is Flag Pole Hill Trail extend eastward along Northwest Highway, past Flag Pole Hill and to the Armory.

The construction along the trail is coming along nicely. The trail will have a galvanized steel guard rail along Northwest Highway from Walling to Arboreal to protect users of the trail. The city is knocking down the existing walls of the Merriman Park/University Manor neighborhood to make room for the trail and will construct new walls once the trail is completed.

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