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There has been construction all throughout Lake Highlands, so residents probably won't be too surprised to learn that White Rock Trail should be undergoing construction in latter half of 2012 if everything goes according to plan. The section of White Rock Trail that will be closed is McCree Bridge, which is located next to White Rock Valley Park.

McCree Bridge is currently below the 100 year flood plane, according to Vincent Lewis of the Trinity Watershed Management Department and needs to be raised four to five feet. The material used will match the shade structure at the playground that is next to the bridge. And finally, runners and cyclists that use White Rock Trail heavily don't have to worry about their workout being interrupted. The city will create a temporary asphalt road that will detour runners and cyclists around the bridge and back onto the trail.

Construction of the trail is planned to begin in 2012 and also end in 2012. The one million dollar project will take roughly six months to complete.

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