
The celebration of New Year's Eve and New Year's is an opportunity to let go of anything that happened in 2011 and look forward to the possibilities in 2012. However, while celebrating, it's important to keep safety in mind. Starting off 2012 in a hospital bed is not the most ideal beginning.

If you are planning on driving at all on New Year's Eve, pay very careful attention to your surroundings. This night is notorious for drunk drivers, and they're not going to have to the reflexes or reaction time to avert an accident. It'll be up to you to keep an eye out for danger and to be alert at all times, even while at a red light.

For those that plan to drink at a party on New Year's Eve, please don't drink and drive. Bring along a friend to act as your designated driver. If you're at a house party, give your keys to the host/hostess as soon as you walk through the door. Wait until you're absolutely sure that all the alcohol is out of your system before you leave the party. Remember, buzzed driving is the same as drunk driving.

If you're partying at a pub or club, don't go by yourself. There are always people looking to take advantage of the unwary and intoxicated. Never leave your drink unattended and be wary of whom you accept drinks from. When leaving the pub or club, don't go out on your own. If you're alone, wait for other people to leave and travel to your car with a crowd.

Have a happy and safe New Year's Eve. If you haven't heard, there's a big New Year's Eve party going down at Victory Park - Big D NYE. It'll have lots of music, fun and fireworks. So if you don't have any plans, check it out!