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Every year, as Mother’s Day celebrations take place across the country, an important group of mothers is overlooked — birth mothers who made the choice to place their child for adoption. For many of these women, choosing adoption for their children was a brave but difficult choice, and Mother’s Day is a bittersweet day.

This year BraveLove, a Dallas-based non-profit, is changing that by filling a day that might otherwise bring shame and regret with joy and support.

BraveLove partnered with adoption agencies around the country to gather signatures on a nationwide Birth Mother’s Day card at The message of love and support, along with the signatures, will appear on billboards around the country through May 15th.  So far, over 4,800 people have signed the card.

The Birth Mother’s Day card was created to show birth mothers that they are loved and supported, and to make Mother’s Day a day to honor all mothers.

It's not too late.  Visit to sign the card.

BraveLove is a pro-adoption movement dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth moms for their brave decision. Visit for more information on the organization and how to spread its message. 



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