
The English Language Arts (ELA) Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) will be taking place at Lake Highlands High School on Wednesday, March 7. Each student has a room assignment and these have been posted in both D and E halls. Students should know where to be before the day of the test.

Testing students will need to bring No. 2 pencils and a sack lunch. Any students that forget to bring a sack lunch can buy one from the cafeteria once they are in their testing room. The cafeteria will not be serving sack lunches in the morning.

9th and 12th graders will be on a late arrival schedule that day. The cafeteria will open for lunch at 12:15 and students will then report to the auditorium at 12:45 for a special program. Students will not be able to enter the building before 12:45 and must also enter through the auditorium.

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