
The Washington Post’s national environmental reporter Juliet Eilperin, author of “Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden World of Sharks,” will discuss the ocean’s top predator for the second installment of the Planet Shark Speaker Series at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 5, at the Museum of Nature & Science TI Founders IMAX® Theater. Earlier this year, Eilperin wrote an article in The Washington Post about the first-ever hybrid shark discovered off the coast of Australia.

Presented in partnership with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), the four-part Planet Shark Speaker Series delves into the fascinating deep-sea world with internationally renowned oceanography experts to explore topics such as underwater imaging and robotics, “The Shark Lab” in the Bahamas, marine fish and ocean exploration.

Eilperin illuminates the ways in which the mythological significance attributed to sharks has made them objects of reverence, fear, and fascination, and of misperceptions that may eventually lead to their extinction. She will discuss how “Demon Fish” provides a global look at the often surprising and inexplicable ways people and cultures relate to, and engage with, the ocean’s top predator.

Other Speaker Series events include “Leviathans Three: Tracking the Mysterious Movements of Planet Ocean’s Largest Sharkswith WHOI senior scientist and whale shark researcher Simon Thorrold on Wednesday, May 9; and “The Secrets of the Sea: Exploring Neptune’s Realm” with WHOI director of special projects Dave Gallo on Thursday, July 19. Most recently, Gallo was co-expedition leader on a mapping mission to the RMS Titanic and co-leader of the successful search for the missing aircraft, Air France 447. The speakers’ talks begin at 7 p.m. on the designated dates in the TI Founders IMAX® Theater.