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The Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Wranglers have been invited by the Texas State Society to perform at its Presidential Inaugural Black Tie and Boots Ball in Washington, DC. Since receiving the invitation to participate in this historic event, the Wranglers have been hard at work raising money for this trip. We would love to have your support and have several ways where you can help.

The Wranglers are selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a front row parking spot at the Bone Yard and RISD Athletic Pass.  Tickets are sold for $10 individually, six tickets for $50 or 12 tickets for $100.  Please contact your favorite Wrangler or Mary Barnes ( or Christy Tobey ( to purchase your tickets.  Winners will be announced at the first pep rally on Friday, September 7. You do not  have to be present to win.

Another option is to purchase Household Interstate Batteries.  Simply check out this link to be directed to the Wranglers Battery Sales Site.

Finally, you can purchase Reusable Mixed Bags.  It's a great fundraiser that is unique, useful and makes great gifts.  Contact your favorite Wranglers to view a catalog or for immediate delivery, you may click on the link to shop.  Check it out -- it's a lot more than bags!

To navigate the site, click "online store" and at check out enter the Wrangler ID #105326.

The Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Wranglers appreciate your support!