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The LH StrEATS Food Truck Rally on Saturday, June 16 - put together by the Lake Highlands Branding Committee (LHBC) - will serve a multitude of purposes. It's a chance to put the still empty Lake Highlands Town Center to use; it's a chance for family, friends and neighbors to see each other and reconnect; and it's also an opportunity for the Lake Highlands community to take its first step in gaining a brand.

The Lake Highlands community is still relatively young but it needs a recognizable brand as it seeks to fill the aforementioned town center. The LHBC was put together specifically for this purpose. The committee is composed of members from some of Lake Highlands biggest organizations: the Lake Highlands Area Improvement Association, the Exchange Club of Lake Highlands, the Lake Highlands Women's League, the Lake Highlands Junior Women's League, the Lake Highlands PID, the Lake Highlands TIF and the Lake Highlands Area Early Childhood PTA.

"To have Lake highlands united under one brand has been a dream of many in our great neighborhood," said Robin Moss Norcross, co-chair for the Lake Highlands Branding Committee.

The LH StrEATS Food Truck Rally is partly a fundraiser for the LHBC. The money raised will go towards additional phases of the branding program which will be rolled out throughout 2012 and 2013.

"We are so excited to host this event to further the branding initiative and hope to see many more like it in the Town Center," said Ginger Greenberg, co-chair for the Lake Highlands Branding Committee. "Lake Highlands is a neighborhood that likes to support our neighbors and we know this rally will be a great way to bring everyone together."

Admittance to LH StrEATS, which will go from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., will cost $5 for anyone over the age of 12. From there, attendees will have plenty of eating options to choose from, as the LHBC has assembled a variety of food trucks for the event. Diners can choose from:

  • Gandolfo's NY Deli
  • The Butchers Son
  • Nammi Truck
  • Coolhaus
  • Jo Dawgs
  • Ssahms
  • Good Karma Kitchen
  • So-Cal Taco's
  • Rockstar Bake Shop
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