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Regardless of the season or the month, home security should always be a priority for families. While much safety is just common sense, there are some rules and tips that all families could use and learn.

The most important and most obvious rule is to keep all doors and windows locked at all times. That includes the door to the garage and the back door to the backyard. If the door has a deadbolt or latch, use it. Also, don’t leave spare keys under the doormat, in the mailbox or in a flowerpot.

Take a walk around your home and look for any easily accessible spots and either illuminate or eliminate hiding spots. If your home is protected by a home alarm system, post signs in the front and back to warn away criminals. And be sure to use the alarm when going to bed and when no one is home.

If you’re frequently out at night and no one is home, keep a light or two on to illuminate the house but don’t always use the same lights – switch them up from time to time. If you have a home phone, lower the ringer volume so it can’t be heard from outside. A long-ringing telephone sound indicates that no one is at home.

Finally, get multiple sets of eyes to watch your home. Get to know your immediate neighbors and join the neighborhood watch organization. If there isn’t a neighborhood watch, consider creating one with your fellow neighbors.

Your goal in all of this is not to make your home burglar-proof. Instead, the goal is create enough deterrents so that robbers won’t even consider breaking into your home.