
When thinking about Independence Day, one usually imagines a hot summer day with barbecue, the swimming pool, friends, family and fireworks. However, as much as dog owners want to, it's probably a good idea to leave their four-legged friends at home when the fireworks start flying.

The main problem dogs have with fireworks is the noise and smells. Dogs have very acute hearing and a powerful sense of smell, so the unfamiliar sounds and odors of fireworks will make them very anxious and afraid. They'll do anything to get away - including digging under fences, knocking out window screens and opening patio doors. This is one of the main reasons there are numerous missing dogs after Independence Day.

So, first and foremost, don't take the dog with the family to go see the fireworks. However, leaving your dog alone at home isn't enough either. Here are some tips to keep your dog safe this holiday:

  • If you're going out to celebrate and leaving your dog at home alone, be sure to keep your dog inside. Furthermore, if there will be fireworks going off in the vicinity of your home, leave the radio or television on to help muffle the sounds of explosions. And finally, leave a t-shirt or other article of clothing that carries your scent to help reassure your dog.
  • If your dog is scared of thunderstorms, it's a safe bet it will be terrified of fireworks. It might be worth it to visit your vet and get some calming medication to give to your dog the night of.
  • Before you leave your dog, make sure your dog is wearing his/her tags. It would be doubly good if your dog also has a microchip.
  • Check your dog for injuries when you get home. Some dogs, when upset, will chew their own skin raw. Others, in an attempt to get away from the noise, may hurt themselves.

If you're going to be gone for an extended vacation, it would probably be a better idea to board your dog than to have someone pet sit. Whatever you decide to do this Independence Day, have fun and keep you and your dog safe.

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