
As children, many girls dream of being princesses while boys imagine themselves as gallant knights. And for one day, kids can fulfill their fantasies at the SMU Meadows Museum during Family Fun Day. As part of the exhibition "The Invention of Glory: Afonoso V and the Pastrana Tapestries," families will be transported back to the medieval times.

The Family Fun Day is taking place on Saturday, April 21 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Families will feel like they really have gone back in time, as there will be troubadours, jesters and dancers (all portrayed by SMU arts students) milling around outside, as well as a display of jousting from acting students. There will even be falconers on hands from American Hawking.

Inside the museum, children will have the opportunity to create knight and princess crafts, search for arts treasures in a scavenger hunt and take an exciting, hands-on look at real armor that is used by contemporary sword-fighters with Schola St. George Medieval and Renaissance Swordsmanship.

And since this event is happening during lunch, princesses and knights get free treats. Ruthie's Rolling Cafe and Green House food trucks will also be on hand at the event to serve food.