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The annual Wildcat Club fundraiser, 'Cat Classic Golf Tournament, is set for Tuesday, June 5 at the Canyon Creek Country Club in Richardson. The Wildcat Club and the sports team of Lake Highlands High School need the support of the entire Lake Highlands community to further improve themselves.

This year will be the 11th iteration of the 'Cat Classic Golf Tournament, but the Wildcat Club has been raising money for Lake Highlands High School sports since 1987 and has raised over $1 million dollars for the team. This school year alone, the club has already distributed over $65,000.

This year's 'Cat Classic Golf Tournament is dedicated to the memory of Tom Lueder, a former Wildcat Club board member and dad of current Lake Highlands athletes, Lee ('12) and Blake ('13). Their father passed away last year from pancreatic cancer, and the Wildcat Club is proud to honor his memory and his commitment to the Wildcat Club and the Lake Highlands community.

To register for the tournament, visit the Wildcat Club website. The success of the tournament and the continued success of the Wildcat Club is determined by the support of the Lake Highlands community. Show your support for the school and community.