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The regular season of professional baseball began today but most of the teams won't begin playing their regular season games until Wednesday, April 4. To get into the baseball mood, the Audelia Road Library has invited Talmage Boston as their first speaker for their Spring Speaker Series on Thursday, April 12.

Boston is one of the leading authors, historian and lecturer on all things baseball and has written many books on the subject. His works include 1939: Baseball's Tipping Point, Baseball and the Baby Boomer: A History, Commentary and Memoir and 1939: Baseball's Pivotal Year: From the Golden Age to the Modern Age.

Texas Rangers owner and president Nolan Ryan said, "Talmage Boston brings these stories back to life."

His essays and columns have been published in The Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram and many other national publications. He has lectured at Princeton University, Southern Methodist University and even the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. with light refreshments. Boston will begin his presentation at 6:30 p.m. and will have copies of his book for sale afterwards.

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