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Many Lake Highlands homeowners are either thinking about renovating their homes are in the midst  of  the renovation.   According to MSN, 65% of the renovations are to maintain or update their homes and 30% are renovating to improve its resale value.

Either way, the 3 renovations that will give you the biggest  returns are:

  • An attic bedroom has a return on investment of 73%.
  •  The most popular renovation is the kitchen renovation which will return an average of 66% of costs, 72% for a minor kitchen remodel. 
  • Bathrooms offer an average return of 62%. 

 Whether you are renovating to update the kitchen and bathrooms or wanted to enlarge the house for more living space, you can finance the renovation with a renovation refinancing mortgage where you can roll all of the renovation costs into the refinance mortgage loan.  For more information about renovation mortgage loans to purchase a home or refinance, contact Herb Ziev, First Choice Loans, 214-683-1427 or email me

  •  MSN
  •  U.S. News and World Report 
  •  Consumer Reports
  •  New York Times
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