
Audelia Road Library Friends welcome Talmage Boston as the first speaker in their Fall Speaker Series. His book talk takes place on Thursday, October 13, 2011. Refreshments will be served at 6:00 p.m. with Mr. Boston's remarks beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the library. All area friends and neighbors are invited to attend this free event.

Talmage Boston's most recent book - 1939: Baseball's Tipping Point - is a memoir about America's national pastime. His other books include Baseball and the Baby Boomer: A History, Commentary and Memoir and 1939: Baseball's Pivotal Year: From the Golden Age to the Modern Era. Nolan Ryan said, "Talmage Boston brings these stories back to life."

Mr. Boston's essays and columns about baseball have appeared in The Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram and many other national publications. He has lectured at Princeton University, the National Baseball Hall of Fame and SMU's Cox School of Business. Named "Super Lawyer" in Texas Monthly's magazine every year from 2003-2010, he serves as a member of the board for the State Bar of Texas. His book will be available for purchase after his remarks.

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