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From left to right (Youth of the Year Award Recipients): Exchange Club Vice-President-Youth Ronda Moreland, Nathan Bucki, Mary Claire Stewart, Exchange Club President Jon Alspaw

Historically one of the primary purposes of the Exchange Club of Lake Highlands has been to support education at all levels in the Lake Highlands area. As part of carrying out this purpose, at the end of each school year, the club honors outstanding teachers and students. This year the club held its annual awards ceremony on May 17 at a new but appropriate venue—Lake Highlands High School.

RISD Trustee and Exchange Club member Adam Meierhofer provided opening remarks about the important of education in our community. 

Presented first were the Teacher of the Year Awards, given to teachers at various Lake Highlands area public schools and selected by their peers. Dr. Kay Waggoner, RISD Superintendent presented the awards. This year’s teacher recipients are Nicole Delaney (Northlake Elementary), Vanessa Jaramillo, (Stults Road Elementary), Lindsey Mewhinney (Forest Lane Academy of Arts and Communication), Kurt Rowe (Audelia Creek Elementary), Tara Worthen (Lake Highlands Freshman Center) and Leslie (Lisa) Wright (Hamilton Park Pacesetter Magnet). Each teacher received a plaque and a cash award. The principals of each school were in attendance to honor their teachers.

Next the club presented two outstanding Lake Highlands High School seniors with its Youth of the Year Awards. These two students are selected from the recipients of the club’s Youth of the Month Awards presented during the school year. Exchange Club Vice-President-Youth Ronda Moreland presented the awards. This year’s recipients are Lake Highlands High School seniors Nathan Bucki and Mary Claire Stewart. Nathan and Mary Claire are ranked in the top of their senior classes academically and throughout their high school careers have served their school and their community with extraordinary time and effort. The Youth of the Year Award is designed to recognize industrious high school students who attain high levels of academic achievement while also demonstrating leadership, involvement, participation, and a willing desire to serve others in their school, community and beyond. Each student received a $1,000 scholarship.

Finally the club presented two outstanding Lake Highlands High School seniors with its ACE Awards—students who “Accept the Challenge of Excellence.” These two students are selected from the recipients of the club’s monthly Character Counts Awards presented during the school year. This year’s recipients are Lake Highlands High School seniors Lucina Garcia and Bhupendra Karki. The ACE Award recognizes high school students who have either made dramatic changes in their attitude/performance during high school or who have overcome great physical, emotional, or social obstacles and are eligible for graduation. Their selection was made by the counselors at Lake Highlands High School. Through their actions, Lucina and Bhupendra each exemplified these standards. The ACE Award winners received a $1,000 cash award to be used for college expenses. 

The Exchange Club of Lake Highlands congratulates these individuals and their families for their achievements and contributions.   

Story and photos courtesy of Robert W. Van Amburgh, Exchange Club of Lake Highlands

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