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The Lake Highlands Freshman Center choir department will present its annual patriotic concert on Thursday, May 23.

Organizers are extending a special invitation to folks in the community who have served in any branch of the Armed Forces. The choir department would like to pay tribute to these special guests throughout the show for the contributions they have made to keep our country safe and free.

“There is not enough recognition for the heroes who have served our country,” said LHFC choir director, Heather Sharp. “This is a wonderful opportunity to honor them.”

Students have been asked to contribute photos of their relatives who have served in the military. The photos will be displayed at the concert, providing a visual history. Students have been encouraged to make the event a family project and chat with relatives who can tell of their service experiences or can relay old stories of family members from previous generations.

LHFC Principal Bill Gallo joined in the project and contributed a photo of his father, a Brigadier General in the Army.

LHFC choir alumni are also invited to attend, and they’ll be encouraged to take the stage for the choir’s final selection, “God Bless America.”

The choir had an exceptional year, earning three Sweepstakes awards at the UIL Concert & Sight Reading competition. Members also competed in the Dallas Baptist University Pilgrim’s Chapel where they received Superior scores for their performances.

"I am so proud of these energetic and talented students. All of their rehearsals and hard work paid off, and I will be sad to see them go at the end of the year,” Sharp said.

The free concert is scheduled for Thursday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the LHHS Auditorium.

Lake Highlands High School is located at 9449 Church Road.