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Photo courtesy of the LHHS Wildcat Wranglers.

The Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Wranglers returned Tuesday evening from Washington, D.C., where they were invited to perform for distinguished guests at the Texas Society Black Tie and Boots Ball, a country-western-themed celebration of the presidential inauguration. 

Kelley Hurst, who manages the Wranglers' web presence, traveled with the dance group and called their performance "magnificent" and a "huge hit."

"They danced an amazing program, and at one performance, the crowd was singing along with them at the end. A lot of party-goers wanted to - and did - dance with the Wranglers," she said.

The Wranglers, who have now made five appearances at the Inaugural Ball since they were established in 1992, have received ample media attention nationwide. Hurst said their photos have been in The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post, various Houston news outlets, and on the Associated Press wire. You might have even caught the Lake Highlands country dancers on the Sunday edition of "The Today Show" over the weekend.  

Miss Texas and the Kilgore Rangerettes were other notable Texans at the Black Tie and Boots Ball. But Hurst said that the Wranglers, comprised of 58 juniors and seniors, made a name for themselves. 

"Everyone was talking about them, and the kids deserved it. They worked really hard, and their performance was a home run," she said.

Information provided by Kelley Hurst
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