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Dallas Seniors Stuff More Than 1,000 Easter Eggs for Children and Make Easter Wreaths

For independent living and assisted living residents at Presbyterian Village North, Easter is a time to give back to children and show their appreciation for people who make a positive difference in the lives of others. This year, PVN residents will host stuffing parties during which residents will stuff more than 1,000 Easter eggs to benefit the children of Dallas firefighters, children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters and fellow seniors at their community. Additionally, a crafty group at the senior living community will meet to make “no sew” Easter themed wreaths for healthcare residents to enjoy. 

“I participated in two of the stuffing parties last year and we had a myriad of residents show up to help fill the eggs with candy,” said Agnes Mockovciak, a resident at Joyce Hall, Presbyterian Village North’s assisted living residence. “It is heartwarming to see that many people come together to provide a fun event to our firefighters’ families and to help children who are in need of a little extra love and care. Easter has always been a blessed day, and I believe the Lord is happy seeing us working together to spread His love and goodness into the hearts of these little children. I never participated in a charity Easter egg hunt prior to living at Presbyterian Village North. It’s a wonderful idea and PVN provides everything we need to make this event happen. I’ll be participating in the two stuffing parties this year and hope to attend the hunt for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  It makes me so happy to think of all the kids running around enthusiastically with big smiles on their faces, so I don’t mind setting aside my time to do this.”

Assisted living residents of Presbyterian Village North’s Joyce Hall stuffed more than 500 vibrantly colored Easter eggs with a delicious array of candy on March 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the Dallas Fire Department Auxiliary, who is putting on the Easter event for firefighters’ families. Other groups and organizations will also stuff eggs and provide special prizes and food on behalf of the Firefighters auxiliary. This Easter egg hunt will take place at the Dolphin Training Center on March 28. There will more than 300 children present to partake in the festivities.

Joyce Hall residents met again on March 23rd from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to stuff another 500 eggs for the Easter egg hunt at New Mt. Zion Church as well as an Easter egg hunt that will be held at PVN for children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters. The Big Brothers Big Sisters program has paired children with some of the residents, and they visit once a week. PVN picks them up from Hamilton Park Pacesetter School, and the seniors spend about 45 minutes with them.  PVN will host a special party with an egg hunt, games and refreshments for the residents and children on April 1st. During the stuffing parties, additional eggs will be stuffed for PVN residents to enjoy on Easter Sunday.

Independent living residents also made no sew wreaths for others to enjoy as well. The group met on March 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to assemble the creative wreaths. The wreaths will be delivered on March 30 and 31.

“Easter is more than just candy and egg hunts; it is about coming together for a time of fellowship, a time to commemorate that Jesus has risen, and to make a positive impact on those around us by serving them through acts of kindness,” said Ron Kelly, executive director of Presbyterian Village North. “In addition to the volunteer work, we have a sunrise devotional planned, a special Easter service at our church and an Easter brunch scheduled for Sunday morning. I’m proud to incorporate the faith-based culture in our Easter celebrations and community volunteer work. Our goal is to empower our residents to help make a difference in the lives of others and provide spiritual wellness to all of the faiths here at Presbyterian Village North. Many residents have expressed that they feel fulfilled when they use their time to give back to their community and those in need. We all want to wish everyone a very happy Easter holiday.”

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Thursday, 26 March 2015