There are many ways that home mortgages can be structured when purchasing or refinancing a home in Dallas. One of the options that has been used for years is a...
Designing and building a home can be a special experience. Since every homeowner brings unique requirements and experiences to the process, I believe in...
Many Lake Highlands homeowners are either thinking about renovating their homes are in the midst of the renovation. According to MSN, 65% of the renovations...
We’ve all heard the horror stories of home design and renovation projects gone wrong: workers not showing up, additional fees, extra time, subpar results. If...
Getting the word out about your new listings and open houses is easy with BubbleLife. You can submit opens houses, new listings, and price reductions as local...
Living in Texas, we see our fair share of inclement weather throughout the seasons. Hailstorms are all too common and can unfortunately leave behind a heavy...
Following a move from New York, Katey and Chris began their search for a new home in Dallas. They purchased a home in University Park, but knew it needed more...
Whether you’re flipping through the pages of a magazine, perusing virtual bulletin boards for ideas or browsing at your favorite home store, what becomes...
Marcus McCue – Guest Contributor
Jul 29 2014
With numbers from Q1 and Q2 now in, the housing market is starting to show signs of a slowing pace. This change is not surprising to many in the industry and is...
Kenneth Walters – Guest Contributor
Jul 28 2014
Real estate listing aggregator Zillow, Inc. has reached an agreement to acquire Trulia, Inc. for $3.5 billion in stock. What does this mean for home buyers and...