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Winter Weed Control for Synthetic Turf: Preventing Unwanted Growth

Winter might seem like downtime for lawn-care but synthetic turf still needs attention to keep it looking clean and free of unwanted weed growth. In this blog post, we will explore why weeds can still grow around synthetic turf during winter and how to prevent the growth of common weeds.


Why Weeds Can Still Grow Around Synthetic Turf

  • Edges or Seams: Where the turf meets the edges or seams of soil and concrete are vulnerable to the growth of weeds. These areas can allow weeds to grow if not installed with a proper weed barrier. The cold temperatures might not be enough to completely stop weed growth, which can lead to sprouting.

  • Existing Weed Seeds or Roots: There may be weeds or seeds before the turf area was installed, resulting in the weeds remaining in the soil or the turf’s infill. It is important to remove these seeds or find a different area to install the turf as these seeds are still able to sprout through mild winter conditions.

  • Insufficient Drainage or Accumulated Organic Matter: Synthetic grass relies on a good drainage system to prevent water buildup. If water collects in low spots or debris accumulates, this can create an environment for weeds to grow. Organic matter may serve as a base for weed growth and the moisture can provide a climate for these weeds to thrive.

  • Weak Turf Installation or Damage: If the synthetic turf was not installed properly or if it has developed any damage over time, this can allow potential weed growth. Gaps in the turf allow for both weed seeds and roots to penetrate the surface and take hold, even in the colder months.

It is recommended to schedule a winter turf maintenance checkup to ensure your synthetic turf remains clean and weed-free.


How to Safeguard Your Synthetic Turf

  • Identify Common Weeds that Grow: There are multiple common weeds that can grow around synthetic turf such as dandelions and crabgrass. Identify these weeds and learn how to prevent their growth.

  • Clear Existing Weeds Before Installation: Weed growth can occur when installing a turf over an area of soil that already has weed seeds and roots settled in. It is highly recommended to remove these weeds first before installation.

  • Find Products for Winter Weed Control on Synthetic Grass: Winter weed products can include eco-friendly herbicides, weed pullers, and cleaners. Using and applying these tools can prevent the growth of winter weeds.


Live in an urban part of the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Lone Star Synthetic Turf can help you! Located in Dallas, Texas and servicing the surrounding area, Lone Star Synthetic Turf has been in business over a decade. They look to provide synthetic turf solutions for both residential and commercial spaces. For more information call (214) 341-4332.


Winter might seem like downtime for lawn-care but
Thursday, 06 March 2025