
When you go outside do you automatically feel better? The birds are chirping, there’s a cool breeze, and the grass is green. At this moment it seems like life can’t get much better than that, but why is that? Green spaces have provided numerous psychological benefits for us without us noticing. Green spaces can help increase feelings of relaxation, improve mood and self-esteem, and reduce stress. Yet, in some urban and suburban areas, it can be a little harder to see more green due to limited water supply and land. Synthetic turf can play a helpful role in this situation, by providing both sustainability and accessibility

There has been plenty of research showing the positive effects of green spaces on mental health. Seeing green outside can help reduce symptoms of ADHD, improve sleep, increase physical activity, improve cognitive functions, and more. The boiling question you may have is how can artificial grass do all of these things. 


Synthetic turf can increase mental health by:

  1. Being accessible: Synthetic grass can benefit us psychologically by being accessible. The artificial turf can be placed in areas that traditionally are not feasible when it comes to natural grass. This creates more opportunities for people to connect with nature and improve their mental health.
  2. Having lower maintenance requirements: Artificial grass tends to require less maintenance compared to real grass. No one has to worry about harsh chemicals or mowing but instead can enjoy a more sustainable and cost-effective environment.
  3. Improving safety: The fake grass is typically installed with materials that prevent injuries to create a safe atmosphere. By helping prevent injuries, the synthetic turf provides a sense of security and can positively impact the mental health of those using the space.
  4. Being versatile: Since turf is made to accommodate various areas it provides more opportunities for people to engage socially and physically. Having a good balance of social and physical interactions is essential for positive mental health.
  5. Being consistent: Natural grass can change due to weather conditions and general usage. Yet, artificial grass provides a consistent surface. This brings a sense of stability and predictability, which can positively affect mental health.


Many factors go into a positive headspace. There are always other factors that play a role in how you overall feel. Although, if you want a reliable and accessible benefit to your mental health, go for nature walks and exercise outside when you get the chance. Be sure to take a deep breath and remember that everything will be okay. 


If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Mental Health Hotline! You can reach their free and confidential 24/7 assistance at 866-903-3787. 

Live in an urban part of the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Lone Star Synthetic Turf can help you! Located in Dallas, Texas and servicing the surrounding area, Lone Star Synthetic Turf has been in business over a decade. They look to provide synthetic turf solutions for both residential and commercial spaces. For more information call (214) 341-4332. 

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