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Former Dallas Police officer, certified emergency medical technician, teacher of science and math, parent to two sets of twins, with a Master’s degree in Education, Rachel Robb may just be the most qualified elementary school principal on the planet.

Science and Safety the Focus of St. Elizabeth’s

St. Elizabeth of Hungary School, tucked away at 4019 S. Hampton Road in Oak Cliff, has a rather unique safety feature: the principal is a former Dallas police officer.

The mother of four—including two sets of twins--Rachel Robb spent a decade as a police officer, then served as a middle-school science and math teacher, was honored as Teacher of the Year, and finally assistant principal at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic School before becoming its principal last year.

In addition to her expertise in crowd control as an officer, and mother of twins, she is following in the footsteps of both her parents who were teachers.

A graduate of Bishop Dunne Catholic School, she was a student at the University of Dallas when she decided she wanted a change from going to school full time, so she entered the Dallas Police Academy in 1986. She was just 20 when she began her decade with the police department, including five years as the officer for Methodist Hospital’s emergency room, which led her to gain certification as an emergency medical technician.

As she worked for the police department, she continued with her college studies online to finish her degree in education. Next came a stint as a stay-at-home mother as her first set of twins arrived, Cody and Caroline. Two years later twins Travis and Jake arrived. In 2001 she was considering St. Elizabeth’s for her children when she heard there was a science teacher needed there. She applied and began teaching. In 2013-14 was chosen as the school’s Teacher of the Year.

She returned to the University of Dallas and earned a master’s degree in Catholic School Leadership, and served as St. Elizabeth’s assistant principal for six years prior to her promotion to principal. Meanwhile, all four of her children have followed her through Bishop Dunne and are now out on their own, working and attending college.

Robb is now busy raising $200,000 for a new STEM program which includes a Science lab for St. Elizabeth’s, and is working to get local businesses to join her in this venture. She’s hoping to find four local companies that would like to donate to the new lab and have it installed and working by next year. Her plan to make St. Elizabeth’s an academic shining star in Oak Cliff is under way.

In addition, the school is expanding its pre-K program, recognizing that children as young as three years old are ready and eager to learn in a safe and protected environment. Educational experts agree that a student who remains in one school for a decade--rather than moving from school to school—often do better academically and socially and are more prepared for high school and college. St. Elizabeth’s has classes from pre-K 3 through 8th grade, a full ten years of education.

See Second grade students STEMing out with cardboard, sponges and paper to make sail boats September 15, 2016  here:

The school has openings in Pre-k3 through 8th grades.

To tour the school at 4019 S. Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75224 call (214) 331-5139 x 21 or contact Sandy Walkley, Administrative Assistant:

Open House dates for 2016-17 school year are:

Thursday, November 3, from 8 – 3 p.m.
Sunday, December 4, from 1 – 4 p.m.
Wednesday, February 8, from 8 – 3 p.m.


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