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Kindergarten children learn to read in St. Elizabeth of Hungary School, where teacher Melissa Guerrero encourages each child to be curious, kind, and care about one another. The safe and fun environment helps the students to excel academically and many graduates of St. Elizabeth's go on to receive college scholarships and become leaders in business.

Best Pre-School in America is in St. Elizabeth of Hungary School in Oak Cliff

Children ages 3, 4 and 5 are welcome to tour the school with their parents, meet the exceptional teachers and administrators

The first five years of a child's life are critically important, the foundation that shapes children's future health, happiness, growth, development and learning achievement at school, in the family and community, and in life.

Research confirms that the first five years are particularly important for the development of the child's brain, and the first three years are the most critical in shaping the child's brain architecture. Early experiences provide the base for the brain's organizational development and functioning throughout life. They have a direct impact on how children develop learning skills as well as social and emotional abilities.

That is the reason St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic School enrolls children as young as three years old.

“Children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life,” says Principal Rachel Dzurilla, the mother of two sets of twins. “They need love and nurturing to develop a sense of trust and security that turns into confidence as they grow.”

That is why placing a child in a loving, academic setting is so crucial, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary has two outstanding teachers and a phenomenal program to help children in pre-K3, pre-K4 and Kindergarten get the best start they can possibly have to guarantee a successful life.

That’s why Rachel Dzurilla hired Pre-K teacher Susan Ann Molloy. She may be the most over-qualified pre-school teacher in America.

Pre-K3 and Pre-K4

Like the principal who hired her last fall, each has multiple degrees. Susan has a Bachelor of Science in Speech Therapy with a minor in Education from Western Michigan and a Master’s in Speech Therapy from Eastern Michigan University. And now, she says, she’s found her perfect job: surrounded by three and four-year-old for eight hours a day.

The Michigan native arrived in Texas about two years ago. She worked in an Arlington school for a year, but said the public-school paperwork made her depressed. She felt like she spent more time filling out forms and explaining her diagnoses than helping the children she worked with. “I might see a student for two hours a week,” she explains, “And then spend twice that on paperwork that documented what we worked on. It was frustrating and disheartening.”

Now Susan gets to work with her students every day at St. Elizabeth of Hungary for seven to eight hours. And even better, these are children learning language and new words each day. Susan is right there to help them with their speech, so can catch problems before they become an issue in their lives.

Kindergarten Key to Future Academic Success

Young children grow, learn and develop rapidly when they receive love and affection, attention, encouragement and mental stimulation, as well as nutritious meals and good health care. A daycare setting may provide some of this, but without an educational component by professional teachers, a child misses out on the critical knowledge necessary to promote them through their academic years—and life.

If children have a bad experience in Kindergarten, it can shape their future with a negative outlook on learning, curb their curiosity and doom them to a life of struggle.

Melissa Guerrero is aware of this, so keeps her students smiling with her positive outlook on life. She encourages questions, curiosity and creativity. She is supported by a strong principal and surrounded by professional teachers and programs including a vibrant humanities program which opens hearts and promotes enthusiasm, self-esteem, skill acquisition, and enhancement of the academic curriculum. It provides the students an opportunity to highlight their talents in music, art, Spanish, computer science, and physical education. Ms. Guerrero is a veteran teacher and mother, who began her career at Good Shepherd Catholic School in Garland decades ago, where she met her husband, Stephen, who is also an award-winning educator.

While many public schools have no programs in the Arts, St. Elizabeth’s comprehensive instructional program in music effectively integrates technology with the learning of music.

Pre-K through fifth grades entertain parents at an annual Christmas program and as they move into eighth grade they get to learn—and master--hand bells. Many students take advantage of the afterschool beginner and intermediate guitar program.

St. Elizabeth School’s art program offers students the opportunity to understand, interpret and appreciate the visual arts and to explore their creative potential through hands-on art projects. The art program’s emphasis is on exploration and manipulation of art materials along with an exposure to a new visual language, perceptions, materials, and the world of art and artists.

The St. Elizabeth School Library Media Center is central to the school’s total educational mission. As such, it is considered as part of the whole teaching program, fully integrated into the curriculum. To serve the educational goals and objectives by providing access to information and ideas for school students is the library/media center mission.

And Spanish classes are taught to all students by a veteran teacher of 17 years.

Positive reinforcement for good behavior is encouraged daily.

Christian Witness Awards acknowledge students that teachers have observed performing “Acts of Kindness” at the school, a public award of a private act of kindness, encouraging students as young as three to “pay it forward” and become better citizens.


“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


St. Elizabeth of Hungary School is located at 4019 South Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75224 next door to the Walgreens on the corner of Loop 12 Ledbetter and Hampton. The school offers grades pre-k 3 through 8th grade. For more information see the school’s website: New students and their families can apply for the fall semester now.

The public is invited to come tour the school and meet the exceptional faculty and staff. For more information contact Sandy Walkley
(214) 331-5139 x21

Or Carolyn Campos, Business Manager,
(214) 331-5139 x23

Judy Porter writes about local heroes and businesses. Contact her at

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