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While very few young adults in their 20's vote, Sydnee Heim not only worked as a "temporary" block walker during the last election, she has been hired to work full time now in the Dallas County Republican Party office, proving there is life after an election for block walkers who are determined to make a difference.

Temporary Block Walker Becomes a Permanent Lake Highlands Resident, Works to keep Dallas County Great!

Ever wonder where all those block walkers for candidates go after the election is over?

For Sydnee Heim, it’s a permanent position here in Dallas. Sydnee moved into Lake Highlands and started a new job as the Office Manager and Communications Assistant for the Dallas County Republican Party. She says she’s excited about the opportunity and loves the energy of the office – especially trying to keep up with the energy of DCRP Chairwoman Missy Shorey.

Sydnee was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, which she proudly points out is the “same birthplace as Ted Cruz!” She attended Calgary Christian School and graduated from Hillsdale College with a Bachelor of Arts in Politics.

She first became interested in politics over a decade ago during the 2008 presidential election, because her mother was an avid watcher of Fox News. Sydnee caught the political bug; her first job out of college was block walking for Congressman Pete Olson's campaign in the 2018 Republican Primary. 

Because of her career choice, few people know she is a classically trained opera singer and she’s performed in many community and school productions. Sydnee admires Condoleezza Rice particularly because of this shared interest in both politics and music (Rice is a classically trained concert pianist.) 

Although her time is spent mostly at the office, answering the phone and providing information and working on the weekly DCRP newsletter, she also gets out into the community. On Saturday, January 19, she was out in the frigid cold weather at the Annual Garland Martin Luther King Jr. parade, handing out candy with her co-workers from the DCRP to the children along the parade route. Although she's used to the cold temperatures and snow in Canada, she was bundled up against the 25-mile-an-hour wind gusts like her native Texan friends, and happy to head inside to warm up when the hour-long parade ended.

Back home in Canada Sydnee has a menagerie of animals including two Croatian Mountain Dogs named Gus and Thor, two barn cats and three miniature goats. But no GOP elephant, which wouldn’t fit in the family barn, so she settles for a stuffed one that'll you'll find on her desk at headquarters.

Interested in learning more about Sydnee’s home town in Canada or how to get involved in local politics? Contact Sydnee at the DCRP office: (214) 369-9555 or 



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