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A former District Attorney, Larry Miller has spent most of his life quietly volunteering behind the scenes to help keep Dallas County a safe and wonderful place to live. He has met many legendary Texans, including a president who has a highway loop around Dallas named after him: LBJ.

Former DA, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Presidential Driver for LBJ

Larry Miller has been both a Democrat and a Republican, but always a caring and concerned American, willing to jump in and help others. His ongoing volunteering has had him meet a number of interesting individuals, including driving a President around in Texas.

Larry remembers, "When I was serving as the Democrat District Attorney in Greenville (technically, the 196th Judicial District Court), we planned a fund-raising session for Democrat Congressman Ray Roberts.  Congressman Roberts invited his longtime friend, former president Lyndon Baines Johnson, to fly to Greenville from Johnson City, Texas where he lived.  I was asked to meet him at the airport. I drove a borrowed vehicle, my wife Judy sat in the middle next to me and President Johnson sat to her right in the front.  In the back seat was a Secret Service agent and then-congressman Jack Brooks from Beaumont, Texas.  What a thrill for Judy and me."

Larry has had a pretty thrilling life volunteering in campaigns, running for office, raising a family and now as a Republican Chair of district #1081.

Larry was born in Greenville, Texas, in Hunt County and was raised in there. He graduated from Greenville High School, then attended East Texas State University (what is now Texas A&M - Commerce) for one year and transferred into Baylor University, Waco, Texas his sophomore year. He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree and a commission in the Air Force through ROTC as a Second Lieutenant.  The Air Force allowed Larry to attend the University of Texas Law School, Austin, law school where received the Doctor of Jurisprudence Degree before going on active duty.
Larry served in the Air Force as a Special Agent in the Office of Special Investigations (OSI).  While attending OSI school in Washington, DC and living at Andrews Air Force Base, President Kennedy was killed in Dallas and his body was flown to Andrews AFB where he remembers he stood by the fence observing the arrival of Air Force One.

Larry began his political career as District Attorney of Hunt County, then was elected County Attorney for Hunt and Greenville. Once a Democrat, he says "about the time Texas Governor John Connally became a Republican, I switched too."

Now a key member of the Dallas County Republican Party's Minority Engagement Committee, he is an encouraging force behind the scenes, working to make Dallas County a better place to live for all, including his two grown sons, their wives, his five grandchildren and his wife of 42 years, Judy. His dedication to his city and all of Dallas county surprises no-one.

Larry's engaging smile and warm personality makes him a popular leader in whatever he chooses to do.

To learn more about the Minority Engagement Committee he's a big part of, contact the DCRP headquarters at:
(214) 369-9555

11617 N. Central Expressway, Suite 240
Dallas, Texas 75243


Judy Porter lives in Dallas and writes stories about local heroes, non profits and small businesses. Contact her at:



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