Lake Highlands BubbleLife -
Dallas Seniors Tailgate for Texas OU Game

You’re never too old to party and tailgate, you just might do it a little differently than you did when you were in college. Instead of parading through the streets of Uptown shouting the famous “Texas Fight” chant, seniors in their 70s, 80s and 90s sported their Texas burnt orange and their OU crimson at a special intergenerational event with the Longhorn Choir. The University of Texas Longhorn Choir visited Presbyterian Village North (PVN) on Friday, October 7 to perform Texas themed songs. After the performance, members of the choir mixed and mingled with residents, swapping friendly banter and college stories. PVN provided pizza to the students as a thank you for coming out to do a show for the residents. 

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Tuesday, 18 October 2016