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Alicia.jpg RCHS student Alicia Reese (far left) received a phone call Tuesday from U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions congratulating her on her appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Richland Collegiate High School (RCHS) senior Alicia Reese has been appointed to the U.S. Air Force Academy. Richland College President Kay Eggleston and RCHS Principal Herman Jackson joined Ms. Reese and her parents when U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions called with the good news on Tuesday. Ms. Reese accepted the appointment and scholarship, which is valued at $500,000. Air Force Academy cadets commit to a minimum of five years of active duty military service after graduation.

RCHS is a unique charter school designed to provide a rigorous academic experience for high school juniors and seniors. Students can complete their last two years of high school at Richland College by taking college courses and earning college credits with a focus on mathematics, science, and engineering, or visual, performing, and digital arts. Students have the opportunity to graduate with both their high school diploma and an associate degree, prepared to transfer to a four-year university. For more information, visit

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