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Scofield Christian School (SCS) is pleased to announce three students won awards at recent area art competitions.  Brennan Boyd received a first place award at The State Fair of Texas’ Creative Arts competition in the Children’s Designer/Craftsman contest.   Amelia Thomas received an honorable mention award at The State Fair of Texas’ Creative Arts competition in the Children’s Shoebox Float Contest.   Ronnie Satterfield received first prize in the Nasher Sculpture Center “Make your Mark” City-wide Summer Art Bookmark Contest for the second through fourth-grade category. This contest was part of the Dallas Public Library Mayor's Summer Reading Club program.

For his State Fair entry, Boyd, a fifth-grader at SCS, created his winter snowmen from glass and rusty metal he has collected throughout the years.  “I walk with my family often and I collected the metal and glass I used on these walks with them,” Boyd said.  When asked what his inspiration was he said “Even though it was in the summer, snowmen came to mind and so I wanted to do an art piece on snowmen.” 

Thomas, a first-grader at SCS, made a fair inspired show box float.  “I really like art and I was thinking about Big Tex and he inspired me,” she said.  She created various state fair foods and a replica of Big Tex for her float. 

The Nasher Scuplture Center, presented Satterfield, a third-grader at SCS, his award on September 5 during the Target First Saturday program.  Artists were instructed to design a bookmark inspired by their experiences at the Nasher Sculpture Center.   “Trying to create and keep the design in the space allotted was challenging but the process was fun,” said Satterfield. 

Since 1961, Scofield Christian School has provided children with an academically excellent education that is well-balanced, comprehensive, and integrated with Biblical truths and principles within a nurturing, Christ-centered environment.  Please visit us at

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