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In order left to right:Mia Barnett, Claudia Jocelyn, Kaili Tucker, Mia Barnett, Chappel Stone, Delia Wondoloski, Casey Reig

Dallas Lutheran School made quite an impact on the TAPPS State Art Competition.  The school placed 2nd overall in state with many first place showings.  The school's art department has seen great success in recent years following the calling of Ms. Sylvia Braun, Visual Arts Teacher, and Art Department Chair at Dallas Lutheran School.

Competing in the state wide TAPPS Art Competition, consist of creating and submitting pieces in different media categories.  Each school may only submit three pieces in each category such as Drawing in Black and White or Printmaking.  The school placed high in many categories.  This emphasis on exposing students to a wide variety of media is part of Braun's philosophy in teaching art. 

"I like to encourage students to try all types of art.  Some students may be discouraged to do art because they don't feel successful creating a drawing, but their skill might be in sculpture or photography.  But I also feel it is important to teach technical skills so students will be able to communicate their ideas more successfully to a wider audience.  For younger students, I want to focus on the fact that art can teach them problem solving and train them not to give up when they face a problem but enjoy solving it."-Sylvia Braun

Dallas Lutheran School is a Christ Centered, 7th-12th grade, College Preparatory School located at 8494 Stults Rd., Dallas, TX, 75243.  For more information about the school, contact Christine Wondoloski, Admissions Director, at

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