Tiffany Sunday
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Last Fall I worked with my new editor to revised and update You Posted What!? The book’s content was solid; however, I wanted to improve the editing and layout of the book.

I updated information to reflect the changes that had occurred since I wrote the book in 2013. The Digital Revolution is transforming every aspect of our lives. The world I remember and the world my son will never know is now a tiny blip on the radar. As we adapt to this new world, learning how to use digital technology as a positive tool is crucial.

Often, we forget that technology is a tool. Since the printing press, technology has always been a tool and will always be a tool. The difference we’re experiencing is the speed of change driven by digital technology and the Internet.

In the original book, I wrote about how Big Data was gaining popularly and how businesses were using our online data to generate a profit. Now, colleges are using Big Data to determine the ROI for a student application and to verify information. Families who do not understand how digital technology is being used to screen college and employment applications and the depth of these changes will be left behind.

Today, everyone has a digital profile and online identity regardless if you are on social media or not. Back when I wrote You Posted What!?, parents and educators were concerned with what students were posting online and with good reason. However, beyond a few beer photos and teens having fun, the concern should be placed on how companies such as Facebook are using our data and how this data provides a very detail picture of who we are.

Another trend that is gathering steam is that more and more companies are using gamification to verify a college graduate’s skills and knowledge instead of relying solely on the individual’s diploma.  This is one example I discuss in the book and how these shifts can impact our teens.

To help teens and parents, I have included strategies on how to use technology to learn new subjects, build a memorable digital profile, and find employment that aligns with your teen’s skills and strengths. I also added more online information in the Resource section.

You Posted What!? is a valuable resource for teens, parents, school counselors, and college advisors who need guidance on how to use digital technology as a strategic advantage.

The book is available at and


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