Tiffany Sunday

In the revised second edition of "Insatiable Consumption of Being," Tiffany Sunday's micro stories showcase her endless creative energy.

Her poetry, composed using tight visual language, navigates a woman's determination to overcome shattering relationships to regain her strength. This book includes new poems and micro stories demonstrating Sunday’s writing depth and visceral imagery.

In a touching passage of Musings, her old manual typewriter creates a space in the house that allows the usually complicated nature of communications with a teenage son to flourish.

Sunday's new micro stories are an imaginative feast, offering readers tight dialogue balanced with enticing characters in assorted story genres.

Her understanding of advanced technology adds mystery to her dystopian world. Sunday poignantly strips away inhumanity in a flawed virtual reality program by employing a lowly sea bean.

The book is available from Itasca.

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