In Support of Friends of Katy Trail and White Rock Lake Conservancy Mean Mug Brewing and Angelica’s Creations, Sponsors | Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 1:00...
The highly anticipated Tianyu Lights Festival has officially opened in Grand Prairie at the Texas Trust CU Theatre Festival Grounds, and it’s nothing short of...
Bring the Family and Enjoy Cocoa with Santa With Fun Photos, Gourmet Treats for Adults and Children and Interactive Activities benefiting the Dallas Historical...
Celebrating its founding a half-century ago along with the leadership of Dr. Harry Robinson, Jr., the African American Museum, Dallas will hold its Founders...
Celebrating its founding a half-century ago along with the leadership of Dr. Harry Robinson, Jr., the African American Museum, Dallas will hold its Founders...
Kat + Noelle, Nikki Smith Designs, PaperAffair, Scarlet Reagan, and TASC , located in the Pavilion on Lovers Lane, will host a festive Holiday Shop & Stroll...
Celebrating Black artists, businesses and local music, the annual “Christmas Music Under the Dome and Christmas Marketplace” will take place Saturday, Dec. 7,...
Celebrating Black artists, businesses and local music, the annual “Christmas Music Under the Dome and Christmas Marketplace” will take place Saturday, Dec. 7,...
Celebrating Black artists, businesses and local music, the annual “Christmas Music Under the Dome and Christmas Marketplace” will take place Saturday, Dec. 7,...
Donna Miller – Guest Contributor
Dec 4 @ 15:21
The holiday season can be very difficult for families who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. Sometimes the best thing to do is to find comfort and warmth...