NXT Home Realtors
At NXT Home Realtors, we believe that listing and selling real estate today on the MLS does not require a Seller to pay a 6% commission. We also believe that in today’s information age, the role for a traditional agent has changed and will continue to change as the internet powers more of our daily lives. It is true that the fee paid by the Seller is negotiable; however, a traditional real estate agent will still try to convince you, the Seller, that the amount of effort they are going to expend trying to find a buyer requires that they get a 6% (more or less) commission upon the sale of the home. This simply is not true. Call NXT Home Realtors today. We are a Flat Fee, Full Service real estate company and we save our clients THOUSANDS over every real estate transaction.
10440 N. Central Expressway, Ste 800
Dallas, TX 75231
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